Flash Driver Update

How do we fix this? Do we have to terminate the connection?

Coide Error Flash Driver Function Execute Timeout Coocox

No - nothing that drastic and the fix is rather easy.

We just need to clear the previous results - Dexterity has the function SQL_Clear() to do this.

So to resolve our issue, we would just need to add this to the above code.

Revised Code Snippet

<customer query omitted for clarity>
{clear previous results to avoid 'invalid cursor state' errors}
SQL = 'select VENDORID from PM00200';
status = SQL_Execute(SQL_connection, SQL);
{get all vendors add to temp table.}
if status = 0 then
status = SQL_FetchNext(SQL_connection);
<code to loop through the records omitted for clarity>

Code Error Flash Driver Function Execute Time Outage

Hope this helps out,

Patrick Roth
Senior Escalation Engineer
Dynamics GP Developer Support

PS. Yes I know, the queries are rather lame and would be better performed as one UNION query. And of course I'm ignoring the possibility of duplicates here. And yes the BEST way to fill the temp table would be to do an insert query into a temp table. But those are the types of things you ignore in order to get a simple example.